Science Wiki

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This article will show you how to measure a daphnia's heartbeat. This a simple process and is easily done by most. WARNING: This experiment uses a Bunsen Burner

Salt deposits beside the Dead Sea.

What will I need?[]

  • A Gauze
  • A Tripod
  • A Heatproof Mat
  • A Large and Small Beaker
  • A Funnel and Filter Paper
  • Rock Salt
  • An Evaporating Dish
  • A Pestle and Mortar


  1. Using a pestle and mortar, crush the rock salt up until it is in a gritty .
  2. Then pour it into the funnel with the filter paper in which is sitting in your large beaker. Only put in small amounts at a time.
  3. Get your Bunsen burner ready by putting a heatproof mat under it, a tripod over it and a gauze over the tripod. Then put your evaporating dish onto the gauze
  4. Once your water has all drained (Or just the amount you want) put it into your evaporating dish.
  5. Turn your Bunsen Burner onto a roaring flame (Blue) and stand back away from the spitting of the hot water
  6. Depending on the amount of water it should take 5 - 10 minutes to fully evaporate and leave just the salt. After it has done that turn the Bunsen off and leave it to cool down.
  7. Now you can scrape the salt from the evaporating dish and clean up.